“A person’s home is inviolable”. Ludovic Boney’s Family Gathering

Ludovic Boney, Rassemblement familial (Family Gathering), Installation at the Visual Arts Gallery of Laval University, 2019. (detail) Photo : Marie Perrault

On a masterful installation by Ludovic Boney presented at the Visual Arts Gallery from April 11 to May 19, 2019 and designed specifically for the venue.

What Plants Can Tell

What Plants Can Tell , with artists Evergon and Jean-Jacques Ringuette of Chromogenic Curmudgeons (Montréal), Joscelyn Gardner (London, Ontario), Catherine Lescarbeau (Gatineau), Marie-Eve Martel (Blainville), Émilie Payeur (Montréal), Amélie Proulx (Lévis), and Laura St.Pierre (Saskatoon), presented at the Stewart-Hall Art Gallery, from December 7, 2019 to Januaray 19, 2020. Human activity is closely connected to… Continue reading What Plants Can Tell