Ælab devenir-hêtre. Community work

Ælab, devenir-hêtre (2023), 
, MÉDIANE. Chaire de recherche du Canada en arts, écotechnologies de pratique et changements climatiques. Fondation Grantham pour l’art et l’environnement
. Photo : Richard-Max Tremblay

On the exhibition Devenir hêtre (Becoming-Beech), Ælab at the Fondation Grantham pour l’art et l’environnement, Saint-Edmond-de-Grantham, May 11 to May 28, 2023

“A person’s home is inviolable”. Ludovic Boney’s Family Gathering

Ludovic Boney, Rassemblement familial (Family Gathering), Installation at the Visual Arts Gallery of Laval University, 2019. (detail) Photo : Marie Perrault

On a masterful installation by Ludovic Boney presented at the Visual Arts Gallery from April 11 to May 19, 2019 and designed specifically for the venue.

Graeme Patterson. A Suitable Den. A Landmark Den

Graeme Patterson, A Suitable Den, Galerie des arts visuels de l’Université Laval (Laval University Visual Arts Gallery), 2018. (detail). Photo : Michel Boucher

For the Mois Multi 2018’s program, Graeme Patterson adapted an installation originally designed for the BMO Project Room, a small office on the 68th floor of the Bank of Montreal’s Toronto headquarters, which annually hosts an artist project that can be visited by appointment.

Rhythms of the imaginary of technology

David Rokeby, Machine For Taking Time, 2007. Collection of the Daniel Langlois Foundation. Photo: Maxime Boisvert

As part of the events celebrating Molior’s 15th anniversary, the exhibition looks at the development and appropriation of technology by artists, as reflected in the organization’s activities over the years. The initial intuition for the exhibition was inspired by a major research project conducted by Greg Lynn at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, looking at… Continue reading Rhythms of the imaginary of technology