Kitakinan. First Shaft, East Malartic Mines (1937)

Marie Perrault, Kitakinan. East Malartic Mines Frist Shaft (1937), 2024

In the early 1920s, Fournière Township, the site of the future town of Malartic, was in turn scoured by a host of prospectors. Their explorations confirmed the presence of a rich gold-bearing vein belonging to the Cadillac Fault, an important geological system in Quebec in which my father was a specialist.

Island of Inocence

Marie Perrault, Nitassinan (Dad), 1949-1953, 2023 Graphite ion paper, 31 x 23 cm

Born to a geologist father, the designations igneous, metamorphic or sedimentary rock lulled my childhood with his professional appetite. To me, these words, and the time immemorial activity they name, embody my father’s hard core, and the hindsight instilled in him by a singular awareness of duration, at odds with my playful energy as a… Continue reading Island of Inocence

Geological Eye.

Marie Perrault, Mont-Saint-Hilaire, 2022. Graphite on paper, 23 x 31 cm

Entitled Œil géologue. Dégager la chair du mort terrain, (Geological eye. Uncovering the flesh of the overburden) this auto-fictional essay explores my family history, focusing on the human aspects of mining in Abitibi-Témiscamingue, where my father grew up, and in the hinterland of the Côte-Nord, where he worked as a prospector in the early 1950s.… Continue reading Geological Eye.

J’ai pensé à toi, une collection d’oiseaux

Mélissa Longpré, J'ai pensé à toi, 2023. Self-published book, detail

Review of Mélissa Longpré’s recent book published in the photo book column of the Webzine de Ciel variable. Mélissa Longpré’s third book, J’ai pensé à toi, is composed of photographs, drawings, and messages involving a collection of birds that she has assembled over the years. The book was created in conjunction with three exhibitions presented… Continue reading J’ai pensé à toi, une collection d’oiseaux

Mirement /Towering

Mirement/Towering.Geneviève Chevalier. (edited by Gentiane Bélanger, France Choinière and Marie-Hélène Leblanc, Montréal, Dazibao, Lennoxville, Foreman Art Gallery of Bishop's University, Gatineau, Galerie de l'UQO, 2023, 236 pages)

Review of the book Mirement/Towering, edited by Gentiane Bélanger, France Choinière and Marie-Hélène Leblanc, Montréal, Dazibao, Lennoxville, Foreman Art Gallery of Bishop’s University, Gatineau, Galerie de l’UQO, 2023, 236 pages (bilingual) The book Mirement/Towering continues a reflection based on Geneviève Chevalier’s homonymous exhibition project, which was presented in three parts between 2021 and 2024 at… Continue reading Mirement /Towering

Fabiano Kueva, Alexander von Humboldt Archive Montreal

Fabiano Kueva, Archive Alexandre de Humboldt Montréal, 2023 (general view). Photo: Paul Litherland

A review of the Oboro exhibition by Fabiano Kueva and curator Emmanuelle Choquette, the Montreal stage of the “Humboldt effect” that Kueva has been pursuing for over ten years. Since 2011, Ecuadorian artist, curator and director Fabiano Kueva has been working on a multidisciplinary project based on the voyages of Alexander von Humboldt and Aimé… Continue reading Fabiano Kueva, Alexander von Humboldt Archive Montreal

Blending into the landscape

Véronique Doucet, Femme au front (Woman at the front), partial view of the exhibition. Photo : Christian Leduc

Femme au front (Woman at the front). Véronique DoucetMusée d’art de Rouyn-NorandaFrom October 13, 2023 to January 14, 2024Curators: Jean-Jacques Lachapelle and Hélène Bacquet Bringing together in a single exhibition a selection of works representative of Véronique Doucet’s twenty-five years of practice is a challenge in itself. All the more so since her approach is… Continue reading Blending into the landscape

Léna Mill-Reuillard, Airer

Léna Mill-Reuillard, Airer, Partial view of installation, DRAC Art actuel, 2023. Photo: Eliane Excoffier

Review of Léna Mill-Reuillard’s exhibition Airer, curated by Florence-Agathe Dubé-Moreau at DRAC Art actuel (Drummondville) in summer 2023.

Ælab devenir-hêtre. Community work

Ælab, devenir-hêtre (2023), 
, MÉDIANE. Chaire de recherche du Canada en arts, écotechnologies de pratique et changements climatiques. Fondation Grantham pour l’art et l’environnement
. Photo : Richard-Max Tremblay

On the exhibition Devenir hêtre (Becoming-Beech), Ælab at the Fondation Grantham pour l’art et l’environnement, Saint-Edmond-de-Grantham, May 11 to May 28, 2023